

Maple water is pure sap from the maple trees. The main part of maple water is pure water. This “tree blood” also contains sucrose. That is why maple water is much sweeter than birch water. The liquid also contains: ascorbic acid; B vitamins, tocopherol and retinol; organic acids – citric, acetic and malic, succinic, fumaric, […]

If a person can live without food for 40 days, without water – no more than a week. Already the ancient people knew about this simple principle. Therefore, they chose a place for housing based on elementary considerations: they settled mainly near rivers and lakes, where there was fresh water. Groundwater, rainwater, and springs were […]

Joy Bauer showcases Happy Tree Maple Water during her Hot In Health segment. Joy talks about the benefits of maple water, the delicious taste, and how she believes it’ll be the next coconut water.

Everything you need to know before you sample tree sap. Similar to coconut water in its delivery of electrolytes and vitamins, maple water has several advantages over the popular drink that has ooded the beverage market. Maple water contains half the calories of coconut water and has a milder taste.

And while sap may call to mind a sticky substance like syrup, it is actually a sweet water tapped from trees—similar to coconut water, a beverage that is flying off shelves thanks to its marketing as a low-calorie, natural alternative to energy and fitness waters.

What makes maple tree water … uh, sap … unusual is that commodity food products typically become more expensive after processing because of the manufacturing and waste costs. Artichoke hearts, for example, are more expensive per pound than buying fresh artichokes and boiling them. But maple water is a contradiction. The additional value comes about when someone […]

Might [Maple Water be] a new drink soon capture our fickle hearts and palates? Bottled maple water is hitting the markets, along with purported energy boosts and anti-inflammation properties. We sampled some. Coconut water might be in trouble.

For centuries, southern Korean villagers like Mr. Dark have been tapping the gorosoe, or “tree good for the bones.” According to one popular legend, Doseon, a ninth-century Buddhist monk, achieved enlightenment after months of meditating cross-legged under a maple tree near here.

It may have started with coconut water, but the latest liquids are touting more benefits than just quenching your thirst. Pure maple water is tapped from North American maple trees in early spring. It is much runnier and less sweet than the maple syrup poured on pancakes.

This results in a unique and smooth flavor profile that’s really outstanding. The natural sugars of the maple water give the coffee some mild sweetness . . . and add a light maple note. Incorporating the maple water in a coffee in such an integral way feels very true to what maple water is all about (simple, […]